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The Intellectual Virtues Academy Blog

IVA High students attend college fair and speak with college admissions representatives.

5 Ways IVA High Can Help You Be College Ready

If dreams of a college degree are on your horizon, IVA High wants to help you make it happen. Our tuition-free high school is designed to prepare you with college-ready skills, the knowledge and know-how to navigate the admissions process, and a high school experience that opens minds and doors. Here are 5 ways our small school can help you get college ready - let's go!

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1. College Preparatory Curriculum 

In The Coddling of the American Mind, New York Times bestselling author Jonathan Haidt urges “prestigious universities” to “admit more students who have attended schools that teach the intellectual virtues.” Our academic program, which centers around teaching intellectual virtues, includes a robust offering of project-based learning, Advanced Placement and College Preparatory courses. We are recognized for not only preparing students for college and beyond, but also fostering student character to have the courage to ask questions, work collaboratively, and embrace struggle, all essential skills that extend far beyond testing data.

IVA High’s academic program is accredited by WASC and NCAA and is aligned with California State Standards. 

2. Robust College Counseling Program 

The IVA High counseling program engages our students in academic and co-curricular pursuits that support their application to college. Through both 1:1 and small group meetings, our counselors guide students through all aspects of the college admission process, including: 

  • researching college options 
  • support for identifying goals
  • building a resume
  • completing applications
  • essay writing
  • letters of recommendation
  • applying for financial aid & scholarships


3. Dual Enrollment With Long Beach City College

For those looking to get a jumpstart on college credits or reduce the burden of high tuition costs, dual enrollment, we proudly offer dual enrollment with Long Beach City College (LBCC) as part of the AXS Advanced and Accelerated Studies program. IVA High is one of the only Long Beach high schools to host LBCC professors during the school day! 

We also partner with LBCC’s Early College Initiative coordinators to provide wrap-around support for our students to ensure their success in college courses. Enrolled students meet weekly with LBCC College interns & Career Pathways Coordinator to check on academic progress, answer questions, provide support and connect to college resources. Additionally, LBCC coordinators link IVA High students to college counselors for post-high school support. 

IVA High students taking college courses have access to additional services such as Disabled Student Program & Services (DSPS), writing lab, and mental health counseling. They also provide monthly academic workshops for students and families, encourage LBCC library visits, and provide academic tutoring at the Multidisciplinary Center.

These comprehensive programs to support our students have culminated in IVA High's past success of having the #1 course completion rate of any other local school. 

4. College & Career Readiness Courses

Juniors and seniors at IVA High take a course called College, Career, and Life which emphasizes the skills needed to succeed alongside practical needs such as building a resume, making connections and the application process. We also offer two LBCC college courses: Orientation to College Success and Career Exploration for both college and high school credit. 


5. We Help You Explore Your Future

We believe your high school experience should be a time to explore what you want for your future. From Engineering to arts to paid internships, we provide access to opportunities that will expand your horizons. We find value in the intrinsic joy of these pursuits and seek to help students cultivate multiple interests and skills.

IVA High also takes field trips to college campuses, invites guest speakers to share about their college and career experiences and hosts a career day every year. We go above and beyond to ensure you are aware of and have access to opportunities that support a bright future!  

Our efforts to prepare students for college are highly successful: we have a 96% success rate of supporting students to receive offers into one of their top 3 colleges! Are you ready to say yes to a high school that is here to support your dreams? Get started today and enroll for the 2024-25 school year - what are you waiting for?  

About IVA High

IVA High is a fully accredited, tuition-free public high school in Long Beach, California with a mission to empower students to think well: creatively, critically, and with a capacity for self-growth. Our learner-centered approach puts students in charge of their education, while dual enrollment and paid internships transform learning into action. Students come for college prep, STEAM and limitless options for their future; they stay for smaller, safer learning in a vibrant, caring community. IVA High - Curious Minds, Empowered Community - Join Us.